“Nothing to Hide, Nothing to Fear” — How about My P***y?

4 min readAug 3, 2017


Same Hell, different devil.

It is a widely known fact that despite millenary Church efforts to the opposite, we are still in fact biological creatures the survival of which depends on the exertion of our sexual function. Disgusting, I know, but nature really has no shame. Instead of evolving us to be angelic elves that reproduce by mitosis, it gave us sex, pussy, dick, climax, ass, and …kids. Utterly classless, I concur. Take it up with the dirty git.

It is for this fact that fucking, fantasy and wanking have a bad habit of being mentally compulsive, dictatorial in their urgency, rather. It’s almost like nature doesn’t trust us to multiply unless we have strong opiates in our blood that motivate us to find other, similar unfortunates to be disgusting with.

Now enter the modern State to save us from this distasteful mess. Not that it offers an alternative to reproduction, like, endless lifespan — we ARE just peasants; but it seeks to put a lid on these urges by forcing our whole inner lives and porn history under the careful scrutiny of well paid, “well meaning” bureaucrats who will scan the data for evidence of unruly boners to golden showers. According to the godlike Investigatory Powers Act, our mental life and by extension, our sexual, which is now outsourced to the internet, is property of the fatherly state who can tell if you’re wanking.

Not only does it know what you wank to, own your selfies, nudes and sexts, … but it now saves you from the unsightly, shameful business of reproductive instincts and the accompanying variety by BANNING pervy types of porn and instilling a dour self-censoring sense of being watched. Thus continuing the good work of the Catholic Church. Except kooky images of burning in Hell and Satan are replaced by Terrorism and Putin. Instead of being watched by God, we’re watched by our laptop. You can say internet is the hand of that tyrannical Old Testament God, it’s just gaining technical definition. Satellites are in the sky, aren’t they.

Good business, also. Scaring people is always a financial tactic of the ruling class. Mind control and scare tactics have always been around, they’re just getting more sophisticated. The peak of the pyramid that benefits from this benefits in fact from our labour, and any human indulgence and freedom we manifest outside that is a threat to the efficiency of our slavery. Small crumbs are allowed to motivate chasing our tail economically, like football and movies. But these are the vacuous, profitable indulgences, that further the domestication and mind control. So political power, through its proxies: finance, banks and mainstream media, exerts an iron clasp over the human population.

See, human political structure is successful where there is hierarchy, and every highly organized society tries to convince people sex is low and shameful. The attempt to separate the “good citizen”, “respectable” worker bee from immoral elements associated with free sexuality, or women involved in sex work, or consumption of porn, or unconventional sexual practices… the taboo, the pariahs… is not accidental. It’s financially sound, for the high class. Of course, this morality only applies to the working classes. Which in my interpretation is the “working” AND the middle class, which tries to delude itself it’s more than it is by emulating what it thinks the upper class would do. The same morality that called a woman a whore for not marrying (theft of her sexuality as asset of the tribe) is now alive in the form of banning pervy porn with Digital Economy Bill. The new laws bring the tribal thinking of all oppressive systems ever, into the present. It’s not that we evolved past that embarrassing past, it’s that the cage has become hi-tech. Inner workings of power unchanged.

So yes, sexuality is political, and can be dissident. But please do not confuse the attempt to control the sexuality of the mass with the absence of perversion from the higher strata. In fact, occasional bursts of sordid paedo truths in the media tell us of the higher tiers of appalling perversion the ruling class is given to. Truths which are quickly swept under the subservient media rug, whose job is to deflect us with the sensational exposé of some legal sex worker who happens to whip men for a living, served in panicky tones of moral apocalypse. Like consensual beatings are anything that can cause damage to a society that runs on non consensual war. Austerity is a Holocaust that killed hundreds of thousands, but sheep worry what others do in private with harmless instincts that allow you to live. But such sad deflection works, which proves to the elites that they’re right to oppress peasants in the first place.

You’re asking the wrong question: it’s not, how can a fair, free society do these things to its honest citizen? A question born of projecting your own motherly outlook onto the machinations of power. Wrong, because, we’re so not free. The right thing to ask is actually, how can society be so innately oppressive that history thrives the most at its warriest? And the answer is, life is cannibal. Fire your “meritocratic” academics, they’re paid to soothe you all the way to financial abattoir. And fight a direct campaign of subversion, confrontation and dissent.





Alternative perspectives on sexual dissidence.

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